From the AHAP Blog: AHAP Talk: Join the conversation

If you haven’t joined in on the discussions taking place on “AHAP Talk” you’re missing out on a wealth of information. Some of the recent discussion topics (to name only a few) in the past month have been: sample medications, RC.02.01.01 EP 1- communication needs, date and time entries, and tracer training module or presentations.

You don’t have to be an expert to join in; in fact, questions from new accreditation specialists often trigger the most lively discussions! One topic from 5/3 titled “Continual Survey Readiness,” from a new Regulatory Compliance Coordinator asking for survey-preparation processes, received nine responses! This topic was a great example of how accreditation professionals support each other and offer their time to discuss tips and tools.

Other messages are of the “how do you do this?” category. Accreditation professionals are busy people, and I think we would all agree that re-inventing the wheel is not one of our top priorities. So why invest a lot of time and energy on something when one of your colleagues can provide the time-saving tips or tools that can maximize your efforts?

Visit the AHAP blog to read more.

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