From the AHAP Blog: It only takes a minute (OK, maybe a minute and a half?)

Editor’s note: This blog post is reprinted from Mac’s Safety Space, written by Steve MacArthur, consultant, The Greeley Company, Danvers, MA.

As we continue to peel back the layers of the (green) onion that is fire alarm and suppression system testing documentation, I bring you this from the survey front: I can’t say that I find this consistently documented, which makes me think this is worth sharing with the group. By the way, for those of you who have not yet bitten the bullet, it may be time to extend your NFPA library beyond the Life Safety Code®. There are way too many pieces of the puzzle that live in the “other” codes for us to refrain for much longer (not that I am in any way endorsing any particular organization or product, but sometimes the way forward becomes impossibly clear…).

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