From the AHAP Blog: Quarterly Networking Call scheduled for May 23

The next Quarterly Conference Call is scheduled for this Wednesday, May 23, at 2pm EST/1pm Central/11am Pacific. For those members who have signed up, a notification with dial-in instructions should have been sent to you last week.

These calls are offered as a means for AHAP members to network with one another and to discuss any industry-related issues. We will have a few AHAP Advisory Board members on the call as well. We encourage your comments, thoughts, and questions during the call.

This month’s discussion is on blanket warmer policies. AHAP member Carla Parker, MSN, RN, NE, BC, CIC, regulatory readiness manager with Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, WV, has offered to be our featured member on this upcoming call to share her own experiences on her facility’s research for using risk assessments and the patient survey process to develop and revise a blanket warming policy. Her organization encountered some interesting findings she is able to share with us on the line.

If you cannot attend the call, a digital recording will be available for members to download on the AHAP website.

Visit the AHAP blog to read more.

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