CMS has finalized a much anticipated rule that serves as a significant step in tying quality care with value-based payments.
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) institutes new regulations that will bolster CMS’ Quality Payment Program by rewarding value...
The healthcare industry is transitioning to a new wave of patient safety, according to a group of experts that says high reliability will become a bigger emphasis for healthcare facilities looking to improve quality care.
For industries across the country, data has become a key element of operational improvement, and the use of predictive analytics in particular has opened a new opportunity to better utilize a growing repository of data.
But when it comes to predictive analytics, the healthcare...
A deadly infection that has lingered throughout healthcare for the last several decades is finding a foothold at the national level thanks to recently updated definitions that offer clinicians a more targeted approach for detection and prevention.