Got a story to tell?

Every few months we like to send out a request looking for member success stories—a new policy, a successful way of addressing a top cited standard, a new quality initiative—that a member has been a part of at their organization and would like to let people know about. As many of you know, in addition to his duties as director of AHAP, Matt Phillion is also the editor of our sister publication, Briefings on The Joint Commission, and he often uses that space as an opportunity to share the successes of AHAP members outside our own talk group, networking calls, and ezine.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Has one of your colleagues had a great success in the area of accreditation or quality that you think the world should know about? Faced down a particularly challenging survey with great success? He’d love to hear from you! Please contact him directly at or by phone at 978-594-4797 if you have an idea or suggestion.

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