Q&A: Key roles postnotification of survey (part II)

Q: Which staff members should I give notice to once we know when our survey will take place?

A: Notification of certain staff members can boost your survey experience. Have a plan prepared ahead of time for notifying key individuals, including:

  1. Food services: Preplan the amount and type of beverages that will be needed in the surveyor workroom and the opening conference. Light snacks should be provided for the surveyors. Following notification, the items should be delivered to the surveyor workroom and subsequently to the room chose for the opening conference at 9 a.m. In the event of a change of agenda or if the surveyors are running behind, a boxed lunch or planned delivery of a meal goes a long way. Think about it from their perspective. Having to go to the cafeteria, stand in line, and return to the workroom is very time consuming for surveyors. It is to your advantage to support the efficiency of the on-site process by offering convenience. Ask about dietary preferences in the morning or offer a set menu of items from which the surveyors can select.
  2. Administrative support staff: Consider choosing at least two people for the tasks in this section, such as contracting the escorts or reserving rooms, because they can occur simultaneously.
  3. Command center staff: Obtain copies of the inpatient census and schedules for surgery, cardiac catheterization, and endoscopy to be delivered to the surveyor workroom.

Editor’s Note: Do you have a question about clarifying RFIs, policy management, or survey-prep for our experts? E-mail your queries to Jaclyn Zagami at jzagami@hcpro.com and receive one-on-one advice from our experienced advisory board. Submit a question and our credible sources will provide you with a timely answer.

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