Q&A: Manage your data management process (part I)

Q: Do you have any tips of how to manage and display risk assessment data?

A: Risk assessment data can support PI initiatives. Organizations collect plenty of data. However, one of the downfalls of collecting plenty of data is that many organizations fall short in terms of actually doing something with the data to improve the patient care process.

Make sure the right people are reviewing the data: When issues related to medication management arise, for example, do you have a multidisciplinary group reviewing them? Many organizations are consolidating the number of oversight groups they have in place under the “quality” label to make it more efficient to review issues and trends. In this way, they are eliminating the silo approach of reviewing data and gaining an understanding of issues across the organization. One approach might be to have a medication safety committee – a multidisciplinary group focused on the entire medication management process.

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