Q&A: Using tracers to assess risk (Part III)

Q: What tracer process should I put in place to stay prepared for a survey as well as to identify and mitigate risk?

A: The advantage of conducting tracer is that you can work on issues that are identified during the activity, such as holes in the handoff communication, medication management, or nursing documentation process. It also allows the staff to feel more comfortable with the types of questions that will be asked during an on-site survey.

Here are some suggestions to go about this process:

  1. Consider offering a “reward” for staff members who are selected to participate. One organization printed little coins that stated “I’ve been traced.” Each coin was worth a free beverage in the cafeteria.
  2. Aggregate your findings. This allows you to identify patterns across the organization as well as unit-specific issues. When you see patterns, it’s time to reexamine your policies or determine if staff education is warranted.

Editor’s Note: Do you have a question about clarifying RFIs, policy management, or survey-prep for our experts? E-mail your queries to Jaclyn Zagami at jzagami@hcpro.com and receive one-on-one advice from our experienced advisory board. Submit a question and our credible sources will provide you with a timely answer.

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