Take our salary survey!

Every year we host an anonymous salary survey for our members as a way to help gauge how the profession of survey coordinator or specialist is evolving. We are happy to announce that the 2011 survey has just launched. Members can participate by clicking on this link. If the link does not work, you can also copy and paste the URL below into your web browser instead: 


We will leave the survey open for a few weeks to allow time for all members who wish to participate the chance to do so. It’s a brief survey and should take no more than a few minutes, so we hope you’ll take a few minutes to click through this short series of questions.

As always, your responses are anonymous. Once the survey is closed, we will craft a benchmarking report which will be posted to the AHAP web site. Thanks for your time—we hope you take a few minutes of your day to take part in this year’s survey!

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