Welcome to AHAP Accreditation Connection!

Hello and welcome to the first issue of AHAP Accreditation Connection! We hope to provide you with timely news, expert advice and community updates, and challenging questions to test your accreditation knowledge every week. To ensure that you are getting all that AHAP has to offer, here’s what we recommend you do:

  1. Visit the AHAP website. The AHAP homepage is where your access to accreditation tools and networking opportunities begin. Keep this website as a resource, check back regularly for updates, and if you aren’t already a member, consider becoming one! All of the details can be found at www.accreditationprofessional.org.
  2. Subscribe to the AHAP blog. The blog is a place for dialogue from AHAP advisors and accreditation experts over the latest news and regulatory updates you need to stay on track. Visit http://blogs.hcpro.com/ahap/, enter your e-mail address in the text box on the right-hand side, and click subscribe. Every time we post, you’ll be notified. No post that day, no e-mail for you.

As always, we love to hear from you. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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