Care quality and an effective EHR

Logic says that electronic health records (EHR) should be a huge boon to healthcare quality. Up-to-date recordkeeping, real-time data, less paperwork, simpler transfers of information, electronic alerts: the list of benefits goes on and on.

However, a recent study published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine found that physicians spend two hours interfacing with EHRs for every hour they spend with patients. Another study found that 14% of physicians have experienced a potential medication error due to their EHR in the past month. And another 14% of physicians said that excessive EHR alerts had caused them to overlook something important.

Despite this, many physicians have high hopes for the impact of EHRs on patient care. A recent survey by the American Medical Association of 1,200 physicians found that 85% believed digital health solutions are an advantage to patient care. And there are facilities where the EHR has fulfilled its promise of seamless workflow and better care.

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Quality & Errors

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