AHAP Staff Challenge: Infection control

The Joint Commission says hospitals may follow the hand hygiene guidelines of the______________ or the _________________.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or The Department of Health and Human Services


  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization


  3. World Health Organization or The Department of Health and Human Services


Training Tips: The AHAP Staff Challenge is the perfect way to regularly train your staff. If the challenge is a question, forward the e-mail to your staff. Once they answer the question, they will receive immediate feedback on their answers. If your staff doesn't have e-mail access, use this question in different, creative ways.

You can use the question and answer in:

• Posters

• Intranets

• Tent cards placed on tables in staff lounges and cafeterias

• Handouts or quizzes distributed at team meetings

• Reference binder available in staff areas

• Paycheck stuffers

• Newsletters

*Editor's Note: The August 29, 2011 issue of AHAP Staff Challenge contained an incorrect answer. Please find last week’s question with the correct answer below. We apologize for any confusion.

Complete this sentence: The hospital should conduct fire drills in patient care areas once _______.

ANSWER: Per shift per quarter


Found in Categories: 
Infection Control

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