When visiting a hospital, surveyors use this worksheet to confirm an organization’s compliance with the Discharge Planning CoPs. Use it to test your facility before surveyors arrive.

When visiting a hospital, surveyors use this worksheet to confirm an organization’s compliance with the QAPI CoPs. Use it to test your facility before surveyors arrive.

An article on high reliability and The Joint Commission’s ORO 2.0 assessment tools and resource library.

A checklist to see if staff are using the checklists you give them

Use forms such as these to develop a list of the clinical contracts that Joint Commission surveyors might ask to review, along with the non-clinical contracts the CMS has shown an interest in.

Surveyors continue to focus on the monitoring of contracted services. This article and accompanying checklists shows you how to get on top of it.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers this checklist to use as you review your orders of command succession, which is required for your emergency preparedness planning.

An article on how to take another facility’s innovation or quality improvement project and making it work in your facility.

A fill-in-the-blank contract listing the responsibilities and expectations of those working on a quality improvement program.

Project management tool to help the accreditation coordinator monitor compliance activities.
