As ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) strive to maintain high standards of safety and compliance, understanding key aspects of life safety and fire safety codes is essential. In this article, we delve into what may seem like basic—but crucial—topics with insights from Dale Lyman, CFPS...
Whether your healthcare facility is in Los Angeles, California, or Bangor, Maine, extreme weather will always be on the table. From ice, snow, and freezing temperatures to flooding, mudslides, and excessive heat, all of these weather scenarios put healthcare facilities and their occupants in...
Hospitals are meant to be sanctuaries of healing and care, where patients can find solace and treatment for their ailments. However, violence-related sentinel events, which encompass physical assault, sexual assault, and even homicide, pose a significant threat to patient safety and challenge...
As the use of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in medical devices continues to grow, so does the need for life safety professionals to know the risks and responses to a Li-ion fire. Li-ion batteries have gained popularity as they hold more energy for longer than other battery types and weigh less...
Fire safety in healthcare settings has always been a critical concern, demanding rigorous adherence to protocols and continuous improvement of practices. In this article, expert Lauris V. Freidenfelds, discusses updated practices for fire drills, emphasizing the necessity of...
The landscape of healthcare compliance has continued to evolve, influenced by new standards, ongoing challenges, and the lingering impacts of the pandemic. In this interview with Marge McFarlane, we delve into integrating new recommendations from ASHE, enhancing knowledge transfer amid high...
Assessing compliance with the LSC has always been a tricky proposition, since a deficiency that is obvious to one individual might not be so obvious to another, based on surveyors’ different levels of knowledge.
If you’ve been in healthcare safety for any length of time, you’ve been lectured at before. OSHA wants you to keep your clinic safe. You’ve been told several times by this publication to watch out for slips, trips, and falls, reduce your needlestick risks, and make sure you are compliant with...
Since the original programs of the 1980s, crew resource management (CRM) training has evolved to include additional subject matter beyond a focus on interpersonal communication. Today, CRM core content typically includes topics such as leadership, team building, followership and conflict...
Scott Wytosick, a fire and life safety consultant at Jensen Hughes, catches up this month with Healthcare Safety Leader to discuss topics such as adapting Life Safety Code® (LSC) compliance for a post-pandemic world, the future of remote inspections by authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), and...