A fill-in-the-blank contract listing the responsibilities and expectations of those working on a quality improvement program.

An article on how to take another facility’s innovation or quality improvement project and making it work in your facility.

A checklist to see if staff are using the checklists you give them

When visiting a hospital, surveyors use this worksheet to confirm an organization’s compliance with the QAPI CoPs. Use it to test your facility before surveyors arrive.

A non-comprehensive list of safety precautions to take before, during, and after surgery by the WHO.

Sometimes surgeons will perform part of a surgery and leave partway through to work on another patient. If this practice is done at your facility, use this checklist.

A checklist of risk factors that could cause a patient fall from the CDC

Run through this list to assess harm after a patient has fallen.

A handoff is when a patient is transferred between caregivers, and the information those caregivers share. This article is on the importance of these handoffs, and includes mnemonics and a one-page printout example on how to improve transfers.

If it’s not documented, it’s not done. This article is on the importance of documentation in passing a survey.
